Breckenridge & Copper Mountain Bus Trip
Sunday February 25, 2024
Yes, the first day bus trip since February 2020 will happen if you and your
friends decide to join us! A luxury 56 seat Ramblin Express bus will pick us
up at Safeway near Cimarron and 31st and we will be on our way at
6:30am. We will return NLT 6:30pm, weather permitting. Regular trip
participants last year learned that Sunday is a considerably better day to
ski than either Friday or Saturday! You will have your choice to be dropped
off at either Breck or Copper! More details about the schedule,
food/beverage considerations and the return trip party will be provided to
you as soon as they are finalized.
Cost: $58.00 per person, full payment due at time of sign up.
Signup opens: Nov 1st
Bus Trip Organizers: Macky Nygard and Mark Hemmann
( &
Open to non-members!